Riverton Primary Campus offers a wide ranging and exciting music program from Year 1 through to Year 6. Our focus is to develop children with both a love of music and an excellent foundation of music skills. Our Music Specialist, Mr Tim Davey is fulltime at Riverton Primary Campus. We also have Miss Nanette Coleman teaching Year 1 music as well as Drama.
In the Junior Years we focus on foundational skills including singing in the correct pitch using the Kodaly system, learning to play songs by ear on xylophone and both reading and playing of rhythm patterns. In the Middle Primary children use a wider range of instruments and begin reading music. Years 5-6 place greater focus on writing and playing their own music and learning how to play together with others.
Term Four every year we run the “Rivo’s Got Talent” talent show, where children from years 1-6 have the opportunity to showcase their individual musical and artistic talents.
Instrumental Music School Services
Our school has an extensive instrumental music program provided by the Instrumental Music School Services. It is a selective program whereby selected students begin free instrument lessons that can continue to year 12. Years 3-6 have the option of violin and viola. Years 4-6 have cello and double bass on offer. Years 5-6 we have flute, clarinet and brass instruments.
Riverton Primary String Orchestra
The Riverton Primary String Orchestra is a very successful orchestra including students both from the schools string program and students who learn instruments out of school.
Riverton Primary Choir
The Riverton Primary Choir is made up of students from Years 3-6. We have recently performed at Perth Arena for the “One Big Voice” concert and competed at the Octagon Theatre for the “Children Sing Festival”, as well as several smaller community events and school assemblies.