Welcome to Riverton Primary Campus! Our unique “campus” is made up of two (2) schools, Riverton Primary School and Riverton Education Support Centre. Underpinned by the values of inclusivity and collaboration, our campus has a shared vision for our students and its community. Both our schools have a principal who is responsible for their school and their accompanying budget. Our hardworking School Board is a joint board with representation from both the Primary School and ESC, whilst our active campus P&C also represents parents across the campus. Both the School Board and the P&C are illustrative of our common and shared campus approach.
Our Riverton Primary Campus ethos of “Achieve Together” reflects the dual nature of the site and the consequent wide range of programs and facilities offered to the students. We believe we offer the ‘best of both worlds’ to students, as the students in the mainstream develop and demonstrate acceptance and understanding of students with special needs whilst the students with disabilities can socialise, learn, and spend time with their mainstream peers. Our integration program facilitates interaction in the classrooms for ESC and Riverton Primary students, allowing for immersion in natural language and socialization.
With approximately 80% of our students being from a non-English speaking background, there is a huge variety of culture and language backgrounds within our student body and school community. Over forty (40) nations are represented by our community. We welcome, acknowledge, embrace, and celebrate this diversity. Students with a language background other than English are well catered for, both within the classroom and as part of the “English as an Additional Language” (EAL/D) extension program that provides additional withdrawal support for these students.
The Education Support Centre has a high student / staff ratio which provides staff with the capacity to adapt the curriculum and ensure students are taught explicit skills outlined in their Individual Education Plans. Students in the mainstream engage in the Western Australian Curriculum across the eight (8) learning areas.
Students in the mainstream must be within their local intake area as per Education Department Regulations. Students who attend the centre do not have to be within an in- take area, but to receive transport, the centre must be the closest facility and have the room to enrol the students.
A feature of the campus is the high percentage of parents, who willingly support the school on a regular basis. Communication with parents is undertaken in several ways, both formal and informal, from face-to-face discussions & meetings, phone calls, electronic communication (emails, text and apps) through to the website and the Connect platform. The campus produces fortnightly newsletters, hosts fortnightly assemblies and teachers contact parents when required. Parents are always welcome at the campus. We view parents as positive partners in their child’s education, and we always love to see a high level of attendance by parents at regular school functions. Parent involvement on the School Board and on our P&C is always positive and is an important part of our school community. On a less formal level, our parent community has an active and popular “Riverton Dads’ Group”, established as part of the Fathering Project, as well as an active and well-established Riverton Women’s Business group that is an important group for the women in our community. These successful groups are emblematic of the great community in which the campus operates.
Yours Sincerely
Paul Grundy – Riverton Primary School Principal
Natasha Miller – Riverton Education Support Centre Principal