Specialist Programs

Riverton Education Support Centre staff plan, develop and implement specialist programs to meet the needs of the students who attend the centre. Students engage in ABLEWA – Abilities Based Learning Education, Western Australia,  which supports the teaching and learning of students with disability and additional learning needs who are unable to access the P-10 curriculum and/or the Western Australian Curriculum.

A multi-disciplinary team is responsible for the development and implementation of the Individual Education Plan. Teaching and learning adjustments are implemented so universal access for all individuals is guaranteed. Specific outcomes are developed so that progress can be demonstrated, and accountability of student learning is transparent.

 Some of the Specialist Programmes that we run at the Centre include the following areas.


Rivo’s Fresh Food was launched in 2023 and is an initiative by Woolworths and Fujitsu.  Rivo’s Fresh Food is an authentic and engaging shopping experience for our students. Set up in our Multi Purpose room all students have access to learning opportunities in our on-site shopping experience area. The delight we see on the students’ faces as they develop their literacy, numeracy, communication and problem-solving skills in a safe, retail environment is a joy to see. Students are able to put a uniform on, serve customers at the checkouts, consolidating money and numeracy skills. This real-world learning tool will give them valuable skills and confidence for future employment.


All students practise their skills in cooking and are part of the planning, preparation, cooking and tasting stages. Students can access products for their shopping from either Mini- Woolies or as part of their community access to local shops.

Community Access

Students at the centre engage in a community access program that provides them with the opportunity to practise socially appropriate behaviour in a community setting. Students have opportunities to visit local places such as the shops and library. Students visit particular sites, depending on the theme or subject that they are working on. If students are studying animals they will go to the zoo, if they are studying water they will visit the desalination plant. Actually seeing the subject that the students are engaging in gives them the opportunity to understand concepts they may not otherwise be able to.


Technology is a priority at Riverton Education Support Centre.  Students have access to Augmentative Communication Devices. All students at the Centre have access to an iPad with targeted apps for their learning. Students use their iPads across all areas of the curriculum and are matched to their cognitive capacity. In every room we have an interactive whiteboard that teachers use to support students access the curriculum within their classroom.


Communication for students with complex communication needs is a priority at the centre. Giving students the capacity to engage meaningfully and giving them a voice is the most important outcome for students. Whether the teaching and learning adjustments are purely a visual or verbal prompt for students engaging in a regular curriculum, or is a a sensory program for high support needs students the adaptations that we implement are paramount to successful learning and communication. Communication is the key to successful learning.


Students will access our multipurpose room for Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) project-based learning every week.


Students from the centre engage in the Education Department Swimming Programme with their mainstream peers. The swimming programme is for 2 weeks and is designated to the school at any time during the year.

Buddy Classes

Each ESC class has a buddy class with an age-appropriate mainstream class. The students from the buddy classes work with the students from the ESC classes and assist them in certain areas of the curriculum. It may just be support in the playground, help in the garden or just a friend to play with. The Education Support Classes are strategically placed around the school as close to their age-appropriate peers as possible.


At Riverton Primary Campus we have a range of specialist teachers. These specialists’ teachers include Physical Education, Music, Science and Japanese teachers. Students from the centre attend some of these specialist classes with their age-appropriate peers where appropriate with the support of Education Assistants. The curriculum is adapted to meet the needs of the students. Depending on the needs and level of the students some may or may not attend these classes, but attendance is done on an individual basis. Students who have the capacity and gain positively from integration spend Fridays with their peers. The teachers from the centre and the mainstream meet to develop and adapt programmes appropriate to the needs of the students from the centre. This shared planning facilitates inclusive practices and positive outcomes for all students at the Campus.

Parents play a vital role in the education of their children. We facilitate proactive communication by:

  • Parent/Teacher Individual Education Plan meetings
  • Parent/Teacher Report meetings if required
  • Daily communication book
  • Students Reviews
  • Telephone and Email Contact
  • Fortnightly Newsletter Information
  • Seesaw updates
Riverton Primary Campus