Riverton Primary School Enrolments

When applying for enrolment at Riverton Primary School, the following documentation must be provided.

  • The child’s birth certificate, the office must sight the original.
  • If not born in Australia the following documents must be provided:
    • Passport
    • Current visas documents – Include Visa Number, Visa Grant Number and Visa Expiry Date.
  • Copy of immunisation records from the Department of Health. The immunisation statement can be obtained at the Service Australia website Mygov website, any Medicare office or by phoning 1800 653 809.
  • Three (3) forms of proof of residence with a supply address to the address you are putting
    on your application, eg. electricity, water, gas or current Rates Notice.
  • Where the family is in a rental property, a copy of the tenancy agreement is required. Please note:
  • If the rental agreement is a private arrangement then a Statutory Declaration authorised by a Justice of the Peace will be needed to verify the place of residence, length of stay and occupants name/s.
  • If applicable, a copy of any current Family Court orders (original to be sighted).

Part A – Application for Enrolment

Includes information about applying for Enrolment in a Western Australian public school and the Application for Enrolment Form.

Riverton Primary Campus