What is the P&C?

Riverton Primary Campus Parents & Citizens Association (P&C) is a not-for-profit community group that strives to provide better facilities and a harmonious environment for students and their families at the school.

The P&C is run entirely by volunteers and supported by school staff. Members can include parents/carers, school staff and Riverton community representatives.


Did you know that over 40 nationalities are represented at Riverton Primary Campus? The P&C aims to celebrate this diversity and the valuable opportunities it creates to learn about many cultures.


We also aim to:

  • Provide financial support for much needed school resources
  • Bring the school community together through events and activities
  • Offer hands-on support to enhance the school environment
  • Support the safety of students through safe driving practices (e.g. drop off/pick up zone)
  • Promote school and community events
  • Build strong partnerships between the school and the community.


New members welcome!

The benefits of belonging to the P&C include:

  • Being a positive role model for your children, friends and family
  • Creating stronger connections to your child’s education and the school community
  • Contributing to your ideas, expertise and time to the school community
  • Enjoying the positive feelings that come from volunteering
  • Helping the P&C to support excellence in education, and provide a caring and stimulating environment for all children at Riverton Primary Campus.


Ways to get involved:

  1. Join the P&C. You can attend as many meetings as suits you – we meet twice each term.
  2. Volunteer at events, the canteen or uniform shop.
  3. Pay your P&C fees through the school’s administration.

Riverton Primary Campus Parents and Citizens Association Executive Committee 2019

Position Held by    
President Erin Money
Vice President Christiana Lee
Secretary Gemma Yip  
Treasurer Andrea Manning
Executive Committee Lisa Spicer

Gill Nathan

Claire Horrocks-Money

Fundraising Coordinator Lisa Spicer
Canteen Coordinator Sarah Peckham
Uniform Shop Coordinator Denise Powell

Enjoy the Experience of P&C

How much you do is up to you. It can be a little or a lot and will always be appreciated.
You can help the P&C by simply paying the P&C fees.
The P&C strives to support excellence in education, and provide a caring and stimulating environment for all children of Riverton Primary school.

P&C Meetings

The P&C meet on two Tuesday nights each term.  Notice is given in the school newsletter and signs are posted around the school. 
Discussions are held about the operation of the school and how the P&C can contribute.
The committee determines ways to support the teaching and learning programme.

P&C School Canteen

Rivo’s Hungry Hut is managed by the P&C. The canteen provides nutritious and delicious food to the school every day of the week and supports P&C organised events. The P&C employ staff to run the canteen and also relies on volunteers.

P&C Uniform Shop

Riverton Primary’s uniform shop is managed by the P&C. The uniform shop is an onsite facility that allows for the convenient purchase of uniforms and school specific items. The shop is run entirely by volunteers.

Everyone Welcome