Curriculum & Individual Education Plans

At Riverton Education Support Centre we use a Multi-Disciplinary Team to develop, plan and implement programmes for our students. The team may consist of the School Psychologist, Speech Pathologist, Occupational Therapist, Physiotherapist, Teacher, Principal, Parents and Education Assistant. Students engage in the Australian Curriculum and adaptations are made at the classroom level.  The staff have a student centred learning approach which means that the focus is on the needs of the student, rather than those of others involved in the educational process. This approach has many implications for the design of the curriculum, content and allocation of staff. The multi- disciplinary team is responsible for the development and implementation of the Individual Education Plan. Teaching and learning adjustments are implemented so universal access for all individuals is guaranteed. Specific outcomes are developed so that progress can be demonstrated and accountability of   student learning is transparent.


Communication is the key factor when working with and providing programmes for students with special needs. Processing language is very difficult for some of our students, so adjustments are necessary for then to engage effectively.  At the centre we use computer based programmes and Augmentative Communication systems that support students to communicate. One of the programmes  that facilitate inclusion for students is Boardmaker.  Boardmaker pictorially represents words. This provides the students with contextual cues which supports their oral reading, comprehension and phonetic knowledge.

Parents play a vital role in the education of their child. We facilitate proactive communication by:

  • Parent/Teacher Individual Education Plan meetings
  • Parent/Teacher Report meetings
  • Daily communication book
  • Students Reviews
  • Telephone and Email contact
  • Weekly Newsletter Information

Communication Key Areas include:

  • Providing students with the necessary skills to communicate by scaffolding language when interacting
  • Providing non- verbal students with communication systems ( ALS Boards)
  • Providing staff with communication skills that engage students
  • Using language that is pitched at the student level

Specialist Programmes

Students with Special Needs often find generalizing skills very difficult. For this reason we provide programmes that give students the opportunity to practice skills in appropriate places. Students cook their lunch one day every week. They discuss their menu, access transport, go to the shop, purchase the ingredients and then produce their lunch.  Some of the skills involved in this process include:language extension, appropriate social behaviour, exchange of goods for money, following directions and reading recipes. All these skills are pitched at the students’ level so engagement is optimal.


At Riverton Education Support Centre all students have access to an iPad.  Students Individual Education Plans are scanned onto the iPad and applications are then down loaded onto the iPad to support student outcomes.

All classrooms have Smartboards, Computers and iPads. Technology has played a vital role in the education of students with special needs. That being said the pivotal factor in student learning is the teacher and their interactions with their students. The technology does provide teachers with tools that support their teaching and learning programme. Providing students with the tools to engage in technology is a vital aspect of the programme.

Inclusive Practise

Students may access integration based on individual needs. Teachers from Riverton Primary and the Centre arrange appropriate subjects and support required for successful inclusion . Some students spend a large portion of their time with their age appropriate peers, while others may only participate in the specialist areas offered at school. Some mainstream Teachers team-teach with the Education Support colleagues, allowing for a truly collaborative approach  which is of great benefit to  all students.