Mental Health and Well-being at RPC
At Riverton Primary Campus we place significant value on leading a healthy and balanced lifestyle. Providing the right kinds of food is essential for young bodies and minds. Attached is some information for parents that provides explanations of why certain foods and drinks are important for our children. We are keen to promote a healthy balanced lifestyle at our Campus and this attached information supports our philosophy.
Riverton Primary Campus has a Student Services team that works together with students, staff, parents, outside agencies and the wider community to support, liaise and assist students.
The Student Services team includes the School Psychologist, Learning Support Co-ordinators, Deputy Principal, ESC Principal, English as an Additional Language teacher, and at different times, the school nurse, school chaplain and paraprofessionals from Therapy services. The team meets on a weekly basis and receives referrals from teachers and is responsible for prioritizing the needs of these students. The team coordinates case conferences, works alongside teachers to plan effective programs, develops Individual Behaviour Plans, provides appropriate professional advice and support for all staff and ensures effective use of resources, for all students.
The School Psychologist provides specialist psychological assessment, intervention and a consultation service. The psychologist works at the individual, group, and whole school level. The School Psychologist provides support in three main areas:
- Positive Behaviour Support – working with students, parents and the school to identify and change target student behaviours
- Learning – conducting assessments of students experiencing learning difficulties and/or disabilities at school to support teachers to make appropriate curriculum adjustments for students in order to enhance their learning outcomes
- Mental Health and Well-being – providing direct support for students experiencing mental health and well-being difficulties and assist the school and children to maximise the development of positive mental health and well-being
The process for identifying students at risk is documented within the SAER (Students at Educational Risk) Policy and parents and teachers may at different times request a student review, this is undertaken in a needs basis. Parents are viewed as positive partners within our campus and we welcome their in-put and support at the campus.
The team also focuses on the mental health and well- being of the students and have implemented several programmes within the campus to facilitate this including:
- Be You
- Seasons for Growth
- Gardening Club
- Buddy programmes
- Positive Behaviour Support Programmes
- 6 Kinds of Best
- Several special days to highlight a range of mental health issues
- Wellness Week – Week 10 of each term
Our involvement with Be You assists us in creating a mentally healthy community for everyone – staff, families, children and young people and beyond. When everyone in a learning community unite, together we are able to create meaningful change and improve the mental health of children and young people. We strive to make the Campus a positive learning environment for all our students and regularly discuss strategies at staff meetings and Professional Development Days to ensure all staff are up to date with information within this domain.
Here is a link to the Be You Website.
Other useful links: