Our Early Childhood Statement

At Riverton Primary Campus we believe it is essential that all children have a sense of belonging. This is developed by providing a safe and rich learning environment centred around the child’s agency, supporting the development of social conscience and becoming worthwhile contributors to the world in which they live.

Early Years Learning Framework

The Early Years Learning Framework places the individual child at the centre of our core business and emphasises the power of play-based learning. We know that children learn more in the first four–five years than at any other time in their lives, so by the time they enter kindergarten they are learning experts. This learning framework is based on beliefs about young children and their learning is inherent in these beliefs of Belonging, Being and Becoming.  The values of The Early Years Learning Framework underpin our practice:

  • ƒ Respectful relationships
  • ƒ Partnerships with families
  • ƒ High expectations and equity
  • ƒ Respect for diversity
  • ƒ Reflective practice

At Riverton Primary Campus we understand that children learn best when the activity is interesting and has meaning for them personally. Our program is fully inclusive and supports the interests and needs of individual children through a play-based learning approach; it maximises adult interaction with children, enabling meaningful observations that inform future learning focuses and also reflects our high expectations for children’s individual achievement.

Click here to access the 2020 Early Childhood Australia – Western Australia Branch Statement on Play.


At the core of what we are aiming to provide and achieve is creating a sense of belonging in each of the children we work with. We work to develop an environment where all children feel safe. Our focus is on each child’s agency providing opportunities for children to develop a social conscience and become a positive contributor to the world in which they live.

Curriculum Planning

Our planning and programming is strongly linked to the WA curriculum, Early Years Learning Framework, National Quality Standard and Kindergarten Curriculum Guidelines. Our planning and programming is cyclical and reflective. We value community relationships and are culturally aware. We are fully inclusive and value input from all and ensure our programs are individualised and we provide a rick and challenging learning environment.

Child Development

Aligned with Focus documents, we place a strong emphasis on play based learning. We take an evidence based approach to our program delivery. We provide opportunities for all children to self-discover, learn and achieve their academic, social and emotional potential.

Theories and Beliefs

We believe the curriculum is delivered best in a collaborative environment and we work to develop this collaboration among staff. We believe children become responsible for their own learning when the program being delivered is child-centred, open ended and allows for the development of imagination.